Icicle Refrozen Gala Dinner Reservations

If there is a family or group with whom you would like to sit, please mention it here and we will do our best to create a table plan which puts you on the same table. Please note, this is no guarantee but we will do our best.

Please reserve the following dinner places for my party.

Please complete menu choices for all your diners below.

You can download a copy of the menu by clicking here.

We need full names for the table plan, and menu selections for each diner so the hotel staff will know who to serve which choice.

All mains served with, baby potato cake, seared tender-stem broccoli, fine beans and honey roasted carrots.


Diner 1

Diner 2

Diner 3

Diner 4

Diner 5

Diner 6

Diner 7

Diner 8

Diner 9

Diner 10


Remember, your reservation is not complete until we have received your payment.

Please make payment to:
Bank: Lloyds TSB Bank PLC, 1 Market Place, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 2EQ
Account Name: 3-4-40 Region BBAC
Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account number: 00845326
Payment Reference: IRD-yourname